Vanda Orchids are usually found growing on the southern slopes of the Himalayas and high in the jungles from India to southern China, but in The Netherlands, Anco Orchids has worked closely with breeders in Thailand to develop blooms of the highest quality and size, over the past few decades. Bloom size on these Dutch grown beauties is about 8-10 cm, in comparison to the much smaller Asian grown blooms. They are cut fresh to order and each box of two stems will have 16 blooms in total.
Because of their slow growth, Vandas are a long lasting orchid. Adding a bit of flower food to the water can help them last up to two weeks. It is important, as with all orchids, to not touch or damage the pollen head as it may shorten their shelf life. Cut Vandas are best stored at room temperature (12-16 celcius) - DO NOT REFRIGERATE. If limp, submerge in water overnight to hydrate.
For more information and to view all varieties, please see: http://www.anco-pure-vanda.nl